Hi all, here is my fav song which was introduced by my friend who went oversea for studies, although I don’t like Edison , but I find this song somehow spoken my tots of the surrounding.
I wonder in my life why when one was as poor as you can think of , no one will look for you or ask you or even know who you are, And they even question you do you know who they are and they want you to respect them.
But when you become able to work and live better than before. They will try to look for you to be your best friends and start telling their dreams and how poor they are. They also start telling you how kind they been treated you before, the most funny part that is never in the mind they being kind before.
When they act closer to you, they start talking about money. They will tell you friendship cannot compare with money and asking if you can help. Reject will see the faces of the mask being taken off. Ask to return, they start telling fancy story of the same story again and again.
Some even worst than an asshole , that never know they are wrong and start telling people how you treat them unfair or being unkind and start cursing you.
I have choose to upload this MTV ( there are 2 version ) , cause I feel the meaning of the MTV , when you give up and start questioning your life , your surrounding will still only look at you without helping hand.
If you ask me, give up is not the saddest thing, to try to fight war everyday is.
Anyway i really enjoy this song whenever i work or study, hopefully u also enjoy as i do. ^^
Lyric :
戰爭 (Featuring Hanjin/MC 仁/胡蓓蔚) 曲:周杰倫 | 詞:MC仁/陳少琪/陳奐仁
打 我而家就去打仗 打屬於我自己o既一場仗假若現實世界根本就係一個戰場咁一切現象係唔係一堆殘酷假象假如現實叫我去打一場假仗打住乜o野旗號 打一場點樣o既仗打得唔好 我o既生命就此劃上句號問得唔好 我應該問生命一個乜o野問號問我 悲哭聲可以有幾多幾多問我同僚用乜o野號角吹乜o野悲歌歌舞昇平o既世界幾可聽到凱旋歌曲曲終人散o既時候戰友剩低幾個幾個我問我 我o既戰友係咪就係我一個我為我 o既生命戰鬥要我保衛我我話我 進一步退一步 我都難過我想過 放棄我唔再識分對錯
Paisely: 成日顧前顧後 想不透行左轉右 是我打呢仗自作自受
Hanjin: 想著 感著 看著 聽著能不能聽到有個號聲響 是否每個人都是盲將你的字言能否當手槍 讓後將它描在我身上你當我死 我還在站著 戰艇你了 但我還在戰著就那麼一句話 就得把我了 慢著 甚國旗 誰在下命令誰的747 誰制我死定 誰是我的敵人 不可能是好人 品質差的人無法容忍者不是軍人怎麼確認 一個都不認識仍知沒仁義沒仁慈 背著世界的負擔聽我喊換人 奐仁 還我 仍是我的自尊有一刻你發現能敵倒慾望 習慣熬過你的妄想 你所有悲傷死亡是否可能是我生命的解放問題是我知何時但不知為何要解放
Paisely: 成日鬥前鬥後 想走都難自己走有傷口 有時得手 有時失手 我都要受成日顧前顧後 想不透行左轉右 是我打呢仗自作自受 MC仁: Microphone check one two one No one and everyone is innocent Edison MC 陳孖仁 而家就Rap一D o野關於戰爭世上某D角落每日都有戰爭發生每人都參與每個人都有內心鬥爭危險o既係戰場上槍林彈雨 血肉橫飛危險o既係支咪加唇槍舌劍 口沫橫飛呢首歌係一場戰爭 三個獵鹿者 你同我同佢邊個可以選擇做旁觀者 無人會鍾意見到 遍地死者無人會鍾意做 戰地記者 唔想知道乜o野叫做戰爭罪行淨係知道呢度法律唔保障所有o既人 自己做軍備競賽自己打自己o既仗 自己俘虜自己 自己混自己o既賬
Paisely: 成日要名要利 衝衝衝從未識死再不分戰場屋企 愛人知己 我想勝利行或企如戰地 很想死而未敢死是我想得太盡要爭氣 成日鬥前鬥後 想走都難自己走有傷口 有時得手 有時失手 我都要受成日顧前顧後 想不透行左轉右 是我打呢仗自作自受
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