Today so super piss off by the email from school. Cause our exam time-table was like in the afternoon , and i got job , and study is my part-time. So of cause also based on school-mates respond and views, a friend send in a 1st email to request of changing the time of examination in hope to be morning session.
So i help on respond as well saying that most of us are unable to apply leave in view of economic recession bah bah , then what happen. --------->
Lol , what the email return sound like , and under my big name : please inform XXXX that Students are informed of these timings to allow them to schedule their work and personal activities accordingly. Any changes would be unfair to the other students taking (any) exams. bah bah.....
Lor, sound like i am a trouble maker.... shit lah , i paid for their salary leh in term of the school fee leh. And i have paid full hor, if not i left 5 more to obtain the certificate , and I paid full amount.So shouldnt they sound abit nicer even reject. Shit.... Relex relex.... i so piss off now...
Keep wondering why spend the money to create a big stress to myself , should have use it for holiday like my mum keep joking at me when seeing me rushing with projects , time are lock for fun for going to school holding the orange book with lousy print , hair turn white due to thinking....sigh.........
Lol , the next time my friend ask about my school ,see if I even care to recommend it lor.
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